Singing Guide: Ricky Montgomery

Singing Guide: Ricky Montgomery

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

As an indie-pop musician, Ricky Montgomery has become an internet sensation thanks to his indie sound and DIY approach. A talented singer with a unique voice, Ricky's music showcases his unique vocal skills and songwriting abilities.

To learn how to sing like Ricky Montgomery, there are several techniques and skills you should consider. One of the most important ones is breathing. Ricky's use of breaths and pauses in his songs is an essential part of his style, and mastering it will give you a better understanding of his music. In the "Breathing Basics" article on Singing Carrots, you can learn all about proper breathing techniques and why they are essential for singing.

Another aspect of Ricky Montgomery's singing style is his use of falsetto. In many of his songs, including "Line Without a Hook" and "California," Ricky uses falsetto to create an emotional and ethereal sound. To develop your own falsetto singing skills, try out the exercises from the "Chest Voice/Voice Registers" and "Voice Registers/Mixed Voice/Voice Break" videos. They will help you explore your vocal range and master the use of falsetto.

In terms of songs that showcase Ricky Montgomery's unique voice and style, "Line Without a Hook" is a great example. This song demonstrates his ability to shift between his chest voice and falsetto and his use of breathing and pauses to create an emotional experience for the listener. Other examples of Ricky's music that showcase his unique voice include "Mr. Loverman" and "This December."

Finally, to round out your singing education with Singing Carrots, you can take their "Singing Course" to get a comprehensive understanding of singing theory and practical tips. You can also use the "Vocal Pitch Monitor" to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and monitor your progress over time.

By incorporating the practical advice and resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can start learning how to sing like Ricky Montgomery and develop your own unique sound and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.